Learning beyond borders

Because being open to knowledge makes you happy.

About me

My name is Rosanna Maryam Sirignano

I guide people of all ages through educational experiences beyond the borders of space and imagination. I am a qualified expert in Arabic-Islamic Studies with a vast experience in teaching foreign languages and time management.

I was born and raised in the South of Italy but I have lived in the Middle East, North Africa, United Kingdom and Germany. This makes me a transcultural person that loses herself and finds herself again among Italian, English, German and Arabic.

The Arabic-Islamic world taught me that to be useful knowledge must transform our lives and the European world gave me the tools to organise this knowledge and make it accessible to all.


What do clients who chose me say?

"Rosanna Maryam makes everything easy and light with her passion, faith and love for mankind, teaching with gentleness, because she knows that ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


"Rosanna Maryam's genuineness of thought and profound knowledge goes in deep. Her studies are driven by interest and sustained by love and this greatly affects the quality of her teaching."

Maria Rosaria

"Studying with Rosanna Maryam is a pleasant weekly appointment. There is always room to share ideas and useful insights into the Arab-Islamic cultural universe. This is the great added value of meetings with Rosanna Maryam, which enhances her professionalism as a fully prepared and always available teacher."


"MaryamEd is an educational project of rebirth, in which you learn by covering different areas. Founded and led by a woman capable of understanding and helping you grow professionally as well as personally, it gives you knowledge about the outer and the inner world. Rosanna Maryam has helped me improve and achieve my goals by conveying perseverance and serenity."
