About me

Is my paternal grandmother, a strong, determined, and intelligent woman, from whom I inherited a respect for the sacred, the desire to care for nature and the need to tell stories.
Is the Lord’s tenderness, as taught to me by Father Paolo Dall’Oglio, is the sweetness and tenderness of the clear sky at dawn.
Is the dialogue, the bridge, the union, the outward gaze. This name was given to me when I embarked upon my spiritual journey in 2011 – a daily source of vital energy.

After 12 years of experience as a teacher, mediator, and freelance consultant, I added the Ed suffix in 2019, and launched MaryamEd, an education and transcultural training project for all those who wish to transform their lives by embarking on a personal, cultural and spiritual journey. I put all the skills acquired through years of studies, travels, meetings, joys and sorrows to the service of the development of the human being and to all those who meet the MaryamEd space. All individual paths include a daily guidance in growth and knowledge acquisition. In 2022 MaryamEd Academy was born to offer the opportunity to learn in an easy, flexible way thanks to pre-recorded courses that can be accessed at any time.
About me
My name is Rosanna Maryam Sirignano

I guide people of all ages through educational experiences beyond the borders of space and imagination. I am a qualified expert in Arabic-Islamic Studies with a vast experience in teaching foreign languages and time management.
I was born and raised in the South of Italy but I have lived in the Middle East, North Africa, United Kingdom and Germany. This makes me a transcultural person that loses herself and finds herself again among Italian, English, German and Arabic.